In a world where magic glows beneath the surface, young Elara discovers she possesses a rare gift. Hunted by shadowy figures and guided by cryptic omens, she must unravel the mysteries of her past to save her family and the world from an impending darkness. Her journey takes her through ancient ruin
Wrenched from almost everything she appreciates, Alina is whisked away on the royal courtroom being educated being a member of your Grisha, the magical elite led by the mysterious Darkling.
During this steamy and nail-biting novel, Poppy will have to opt to forsake her birthright or become the Quee
There was magic in Orïsha. Zélie remembers how strong her reaper mother was. But one particular-evening magic disappears and Zelie is left without hope.
in excess of the study course of the series, protagonist Azoth rises from lowly “guild rat” to assassin and finally on the harmful Night Angel, in